Transforming Your Skin
A Book You Need for Daily Reference
Eliminate HyperPigmentation
Quickly Improve Menopausal Skin
Your Go-To Reference for SKIN'S  Beauty
in Menopause


Why Caring for Skin in Menopause is Different

Your body goes through an enormous transformation one more time during Menopause. The hormones, the change in their quantity, play their ultimate card game with you and your skin.

  • You may feel frustrated from not getting results you want in your looks.
  • You may want to give up all and any of your efforts to improve the skin's quality and give into a dreary mood.
  • You may have an urge to hide yourself behind the closed doors, so that others won't see what has become of you...

When all the hope seems to be gone and dissipated into a thin air, here comes that "something" that can pull you out of the black tunnel vision and into the light.

It's tough to take your skin to the best heights...
but It Is Possible!

You can take your skin's well-being and beauty into your own hands – 

and under your control.

Yes, there may be trial and error experiences. But your next step gets your closer to the Skin of your lifetime.

This book is one of your those steps to bring more clarity, more understanding, and more action-taking for you. At least, this is what I would like this book to be for any of the women who reads it.

You CAN Have It Like This...

Feeling happy and looking great because your SKIN does.

Being your own advocate of SKIN health and beauty, taking a quantum leap in what you know about ingredients, treatments, and skin functioning.

 Mapping your personal SKIN CARE Journey every step of your life and doing it with professional help and guidance.

Why A Book on HyperPigmentation
During Menopause
Is An Essential Tool

In fact, it could become your stepping stone in building your knowledge, confidence and effectiveness in how you care for your SKIN.

And here's WHY...

This Book, Designed with YOU in Mind, Will...

Address your unique skin challenges like hyperpigmentation, and Open access to solutions that were out of sight for you before.

Empower you to address the skin issues more effectively, leading to more satisfying results.

Allow you to gain a holistic approach to skin care without needing expensive treatments or procedures.

Boost your confidence and enable you to make informed decisions about your skincare and seek out the most effective treatments.

Provide an invaluable emotional support and motivation during the transformative phase of menopause.

This Book Will Help 
 Non-Menopausal Women, Too!

Skin responds to early skin caretaking with flying colors. Even though you are far from being in menopause and have some years before you step into peri-menopause, you can reap stunning benefits from knowing what this book has inside for you.

Early intervention is a powerful way to not only acknowledging your respect to all that your skin does for you. It is your opportunity, your choice to celebrate your skin’s youth beyond the biological age.

I would like to invite any girl at any age to make a small investment into their life’s biggest joys in the form of health and beauty of their skin.

You can purchase this book and take it home if you want to learn more about your skin's natural powers for transformation.

Bring to light issues about skin's hyperpigmentation

You will expand your knowledge about skin routine elements that deal with hyperpigmentation without huge investment.

You will find specific products that power up your skin's ability to fight off formation of dark spots and other unwelcome stuff like pesky fine lines.

You will see a powerful connection between the skincare products, supplements and food.

Receive more details on Skin Care Ingredients

You will discover some critical ingredients to look for in products and to use during menopause.

You will have a detailed list with explanations of what kind of ingredients affect hyperpigmentation in a positive way.

You will receive my top recommended skincare products to work on your skin from within and without.

You will get Inspiration to Take Action

You will learn how certain supplements affect skin's quality and health. Better yet, you will understand the WHY behind such potent changes.

You will gain some incredible summary points about skin and its youthful maintenance that took me years to figure out and present in a succinct and focused way. 

You will gain invaluable Insights

You'll get to discover some cool stuff about how dark spots actually appear on the surface of the skin.

How to read product labels with the most benefits for your personal skin needs.

You will get to practice all the incredible information you'll learn in the book in order to achieve brilliant results for your skin.

Become your own best advocate for your SKIN's health and well-being.

Discover effective techniques to elevate your skin care routine.

Learn and incorporate principles of Beauty Within and Without. 

What Our Customers Say
Emma, 48
CWT Client

"This book really helped me understand why hyperpigmentation has become more prominent as I approach menopause. I never realized how much hormonal changes could deepen dark spots. It's a great reminder to pay closer attention to my skin care routine and be cautious with treatments.”

Juanita, 52
CWT Client

“Really opened my eyes to the importance of reading product labels more carefully. I used to get excited by long ingredient lists, but now I know that ingredients listed further down might not do much for my skin. It’s a great reminder to focus on products that clearly state the percentage of active ingredients rather than getting caught up in marketing gimmicks.”

Beatrice, 64
CWT Client

“Larisa’s book highlights the powerful combination of collagen and non-toxic ingredients for achieving youthful skin, which is especially helpful for someone like me dealing with both hyperpigmentation and aging concerns. I love the section on “Beauty from Within.” It explains that collagen supplements can work alongside skin serums to improve not just wrinkles but overall skin tone. Made a lot of sense.”

Tanika, 47
CWT Client

“I have darker skin. I found this information super helpful. I appreciate the advice on being cautious when selecting skin treatments and the importance of doing personal research.”

Keenah, 58
CWT Client

“A Powerful skin care guide. A fantastic resource for tackling my skin concerns. It highlights scientifically-backed ingredients like retinol, while prioritizing non-toxic options. Really needed this.”

Maya, 51
CWT Client

“The focus on non-toxic, effective ingredients makes me feel confident about supporting my skin health from both inside and out.”

Make Your First Small Step Towards the Skin 

of How You Envision It.

Let's recap what you will get with this book purchase...

You’ll get an immediate access to Download an electronic version of "Transforming Your Skin" book, while a physical copy is being sent to you in the mail. Yes, you shall receive a printed copy of the book + its digital version to download and enjoy for your personal use.

Two bonuses you will be able to view and download for your personal use are these: #1 – Causes of Menopause Skin Damage, and #2 – Know Your Skincare Ingredients. You can read them in PDF format or even print out for your quick reference.

Your physical book will arrive in a separate envelope. I will sign the book for you as well.

BONUSES Are Yours, Too!

About Larisa Jentzsch

Licensed Esthetician, M.Ed., MBA

I've been passionate about skin and its health and youthful maintenance as long as I live. My clients come to me to experience unique approaches I've developed in caring for skin in women during menopause.

Holistic, Non-Toxic, Ever-Learning are my three-pillar principles that drive my curiosities to learn more and more about one of the most fascinating organs in our body – Our SKIN.

Your questions, answered.

  • Who is this book for?
    This book is a great resource for a woman who loves learning about her skin and how to make it more functional and beautiful at any age. Specifically, I give a focused discussion about HyperPigmentation, its causes, prevention and treatment. You will find the best ingredients to look for in a skincare product. Plus, I recommend the top products that do their job to prevent, lower and lighten dark spots on the skin.

    My main principles of working with my clients are non-toxic ingredients that work. You will find the reasons behind the Beauty from within and without.
  • How is this book on skin care different from any other?
    This book is written with my personal energy and based on science, experience and dedicated efforts to bring the best ways, methods, tools and products to women in peri-menopause and menopause.

    During menopause, skin can become one of the biggest frustrations a woman goes through. And developing a more pronounced hyperpigmentation is one of the manifestations of such frustrations.

    I am on a mission to develop affordable and effective solutions for women's skin during menopause. This book on Hyperpigmentation is the first installment of the "Skin In Menopause" Series.
  • Is this book refundable?
    This book is non-refundable. It comes with an Electronic version, which will be available for download immediately after payment has been processed. The physical copy of the book will be mailed to you.

    In addition, there are several bonuses and materials that will be available for your personal use after the payment. I want my readers to enjoy this incredible journey along the path of Skin Care. And when we journey this path together, great things happen in our community and personal lives.

INSTANT access is waiting for you! 

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